King Of Tokyo: My Reference


  • Setup
    • Make a market of 3 face up power cards
    • Set aside the green dice (they’re used by some cards)
    • A monster figure and board to each player
      • 10 Health
      • 0 Points
    • If playing with “power up”:
      • draw 2 evolution cards, keep 1, discard 1
  • Clockwise until end of game (20 Points or last player standing)
    • If you are in Tokyo at the start of your turn, gain 2 Points
    • Roll 6 black dice up to 3 times (2 rerolls of all/any dice of your choosing)
    • Resolve Dice
      • Points: 3 of a kind = score the number. Each additional of the number = +1
      • Energy: 1 energy cube each
      • Smash: monsters not where you are lose 1 health each
        • if injuring monster(s) in Tokyo they may now yield (they still lose the health)
        • if a monster lost their last health they’re eliminated. Cards and cubes discarded.
      • Heal
        • if outside Tokyo gain 1 health each to a max of 10
        • If playing with “power up”:
          • 3x health allows you to draw 2 evolution cards, keep 1, discard 1
          • If draw pile is empty then shuffle discard pile
    • Enter Tokyo if it is empty (this is non-optional)
      • Gain 1 Point when entering Tokyo
    • Buy Power Card(s) – restock is immediate
      • Optionally spend 2 Energy to discard and replace the market

Score Points From

  • Rolling points on the dice: 3x number = score the number. Each additional of the number = +1
  • Entering Tokyo: 1
  • Starting your turn in Tokyo: 2
  • Power Cards do crazy things
  • Power Up Cards do crazy things

Barenpark: My Reference


  • Place a tile from your supply
    • No overhangs/overlaps
    • Rotate/Flip freely
    • Not cover the pit (where the statue goes)
    • First tile can go anywhere
    • Orthogonally adjacent to a previous tile
  • Evaluate icons you covered
    • Get corresponding tile for Green/White/Orange
    • Get a park area (from either stack) for the construction crew (to a max of 4 areas)
      • Park area goes orthogonally adjacent to existing area
      • Rotation is not allowed
      • Can’t be lower/closer than the park entrance
  • Place a Bear Statue if all squares in an area are covered
  • Claim an achievement
    • When you meet the criteria claim the topmost achievement tile
    • Only one of each type may be claimed per player
  • Game ends when 1 player has filled 4 areas (or no player can go and all are passing)
    • All other players get one more turn

During Play

  • If you can’t go then you may pass and take a free Green area of your choice.
    • Your turn ends, you may not place the free tile this turn
    • You can’t pass if you can go

Score Points From

  • Buildings/statues in your park
  • Achievements (if included)

Smallworld: My Reference


  • Played over 8/9/10 rounds going clockwise
  • First player moves round tracker marker on each round
  • First Turn
    • Pick a race/power combo (and any coins on it)
      • Pay 1 coin for each skipped over combo, if any
      • Take race tokens for the sum of both counts
      • Replenish market by sliding down and drawing from top
    • Conquer
      • You need tokens equal to 2 + the number of tokens in the region
      • First region is on the edge of the map or by a sea
      • Subsequent regions must border existing regions
      • On final conquest add pips from reinforcement die to conquering value
    • Redeploy
      • Shift tokens freely around your regions, leaving at least one in each region
    • Score
      • 1 point for each region
      • Any Race/Power bonuses
  • Subsequent turns, either Expand or Decline
    • Expand
      • pick up all your tokens, leaving 1 in each region you wish to maintain a presence in
      • Conquer, as above
      • Redeploy, as above
      • Score, as above
    • Decline
      • If you already have a race in decline, remove their tokens and discard their banner
      • Flip your race/power banners
      • Flip your race tokens and remove all but 1 per region
      • Score, as above
      • Next turn, play the same as first turn

During Play

  • If a players region is conquered
    • they take their race tokens back in hand
    • discard one token
    • at the end of the current players turn
      • if they still have controlled region(s) redeploy in-hand tokens
      • if they don’t then their next turn is treated the same as a First turn
  • You can conquer your own in-decline tokens

Score Points From

  • Most coins at the end wins.
  • Ties are settled by most race tokens on the map (including those in decline)

King Domino: My Reference


  • Make a draw pile of tiles
    • 2 player = 24 tiles
    • 3 player = 36 tiles
    • 4 player = 48 tiles
  • Each round (6 in total)
    • Setup
      • Draw tiles, 1 for each player (and an extra 2 tiles for a 2 player game)
      • Lay them out in a column, in number order, lowest at top
    • Turn
      • First round
        • Order is decided by drawing from a handful of kings
        • Place your king on an unoccupied tile you want
      • Subsequent rounds
        • Order is from top to bottom of last round placing, top to bottom
        • Add the tile your king is on (from the last round) to your territory
          • 5×5 grid
          • touching borders must match on at least one edge
          • starting middle tile is considered wild
          • tiles can not be moved once placed
          • if tiles can’t fit they’re discarded and not scored
        • Place your king on an unoccupied tile you want in the newly drafted column
  • Keep going until there are no tiles left to draw

Score Points From

  • Each contiguous territory scores:
    • number of tiles * number of crowns
    • no crowns = no points
  • Bonus points
    • 10 points if castle is in the center
    • 5 points if you didn’t discard any tiles


  • Don’t get so caught up with matching borders you make a shape that can’t be filled

Thunder Road: Vendetta: My Reference


  • Round
    • All players roll their 4 movement dice
    • First player also rolls the road die
    • First player rotates clockwise after each round
  • On your turn
    • Assign 1 die to an operable car
      • Place the die in the center of the dashboard
      • The number is how many spaces it moves
      • If you don’t have any available cars, assign it to the Coast space on a car you’ve already moved. Command cannot be used
    • Activate a command (Once per round)
      • Assign and activate a die to your command board
      • Commands
        • Airstrike – Any – Place your chopper in a free space and shoot with it
        • Nitro – 1-3 – add the value to your movement
        • Drift – 3-5 – pass through one space with a vehicle in without causing a slam
        • Repair – 6 – Remove 1 damage from 1 of your cars
    • Move that car
      • Car gains moves equal to the die assigned
      • A car moves into one of the 3 spaces in its front arc
      • Movement rules:
        • a car must move the full amount
        • can go through a space with a chopper
        • reveal hazards and resolve as the care moves
        • a car loses remaining moves when it takes damage
        • crashing into another car results in a Slam, place the moving car on top
          • Roll slam and direction die
          • Larger vehicle owner may ask for a reroll of both dice
          • Move affected vehicle as dice show
      • If all movement was on the road you may optionally now take another movement using the road die
        • same rules apply as a normal movement
      • Coast = move 1 space only, Road die can not be used
    • Shoot with that car
      • you can shoot vehicles, wrecks, but not choppers, in your front arc
      • if a wreck takes damange it is eliminated
      • you may shoot after resolving a slam
      • you may shoot your own cars
      • Roll the shooting die, hit is a match on size
      • owner of damaged car draws and resolces a damage effect

During Play

  • Moving off the front of map triggers next tile to appear (or they win)
  • vehicles on last tile are eliminated
  • if a player is out of the game, next tile becomes the last tile

Sagrada: My Reference


  • 1 private objective to each player (grey back)
  • 2 windows to each player – player picks 1 of 4 options
  • Allocate Favour tokens as pictured on window chosen
  • Display 3 tool cards
  • Display 3 Public objective cards


  • 10 rounds going clockwise
    • roll dice – 2 x players +1 (e.g. 3 players: 7 dice)
    • Optionally select and place a die each going clockwise, then anticlockwise for an optional second dice
      • first player is first and last
      • last player is last and first
    • Optionally (and for each dice) use 1 tool card
    • 1 remaining dice goes on the round tracker

During the game

  • Dice placement rules
    • First die, against the edge
    • subsequent die must be adjacent (including diagonally)
    • Not violate colour/number restriction
    • Not be orthogonally adjacent to the same colour/number
  • Tools
    • cost favour tokens, 1 if you’re first, otherwise 2
  • Mistakes
    • If a mistake is found remove the die that’s breaking rules

Score Points From

  • Public objective cards
  • Private objective card
  • Favour token (1 point per token remaining)
  • lose 1 point for each open window
  • Tie break order:
    • most points from private objectives
    • most remaining favour tokens
    • reverse player order in final round

Everdell: My Reference


  • For 4 seasons, Go clockwise, on your turn do 1 of 3 things:
    • Place a Worker on a Location
      • There are Exclusive and Shared locations (full circle vs open bottom)
      • 4 player spaces may not be used by the same player as the other one
      • Locations types:
        • Basic locations
        • Forest locations (cards)
        • Destination cards in your town (or open ones elsewhere, owner gets 1 point token from supply)
        • Events, first to visit claims it
        • Haven (discard 2 cards for 1 resource)
        • Journey (only in autumn, discard cards for points)
    • Play a Card
      • Play 1 Construction Or Critter into your city
        • From your hand or the Meadow (community hand)
        • Pay the cost, or free if pre-requisite already in your city
          • Mark construction as “occupied” when playing free critter
      • City has 15 space (5 x 3)
      • Unique cards = 1 copy per city (common cards can have multiple per city)
      • Card types
        • Tan Traveller – activates once when played
        • Green production – activates once when played and during Prepare for Season
        • Red Destination – activates when worker placed on it
        • Blue Governance – Grants bonuses
        • Purple Prosperity – Worth points and bonus points at end of game
    • Prepare for season (once there’s nothing else you want to do)
      • Take your workers back
      • Gain season bonuses as pictured on the tree
        • Spring +1 worker and activate green produciton cards
        • Summer +1 worker and Draw 2 cards from the Meadow
        • Autumn +2 workers and activate green produciton cards

During Play

  • Drawing cards is done from the Deck (unless specifically told to draw from Meadow)
  • Hand limit of 8 (strict – never exceed)
  • If a Meadow card is played replenish it immediately
  • If allowed to draw from the Meadow, draw all cards then replenish
  • If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard pile to form a new deck
  • At the end of the game, players who have passed can’t be given cards/resources

Score Points From

  • At end of game total points:
    • Base value of each card
    • Point tokens
    • Purple Prosperity bonuses
    • Journey Points (location on board, discard to place)
    • Events claimed
  • Ties: won by player with most events
  • Still Tied: won by player with most leftover resources


  • To note at the beginning:
    • Forest location tiles – which are good value?
    • Events on offer – what do they require? what is their reward?
    • What’s in the Meadow
  • Dungeon is great mid to end game for getting low value critters out of the city and reducing costs of new cards
  • Husband and Wife only take up 1 space in the city

Cry Havoc: My Reference


  • 5 Rounds, 6 Phases
  • Each round:
    • Events
      • Reveal the next event token(s)
        • If a player passes a token during scoring, bump it along to be ontop of the next token
      • Update initiative
      • Refresh exhaused skills (turn them upgright)
    • Draw Cards
      • Draw 4, discard to 7
    • Actions
      • Following initiative track, each player gets 3 actions, 1 at a time, use action tracker to track
      • Actions Available:
        • Move
          • Discard 1+ cards, add up movement icons into points, spend points to move units
          • Movement stops upon encountering enemy/trog token (more units can move in to join though)
          • Next resolve:
            • Exploration tokens
            • Trog tokens
            • If uncontested, place control token
            • If contested, place battle token. until resolved:
              • no units may enter this region
              • place attacker unit on token to denote this
              • structures can not be built here
              • Unless noted, region may not be affected
              • Defender units may leave, however double enemey count must remain
        • Recruit
          • Discard 1+ cards, add up recruit icons into points, spend points to add units into headquarters
        • Build/Activate structure
          • Discard 1+ cards, add up building icons into points, spend points to add/activate structures
            • You can build and activate in the same action
            • A building can only be activated once per action
            • Can’t build in HQ or a battle region (with a battle token)
            • Can’t have >1 of the same type in a region
            • Unless noted, can’t activate buildings in a battle region
            • If control of region lost, structure remains, but it can’t be activated
        • Draw 2 tactics cards (from deck or any terrain deck), keep 1
        • Enable Scoring
          • Once of your cards has this as an action
    • Battle Resolution
      • For each battle token in order:
        • add a crystal to the region
        • transfer the units to the battle objectives (attacker first)
        • play tactics cards (attacker first, one at a time, pass is final)
          • terrain tactics can only used if the region matches
        • resolve the objectives
          • region control
            • winner gets 2VP and places control token
              • unless non-player Trog, in which case place a Trog Nest token
            • Defender wins draws
          • capture prisoners
            • winner takes 1 prisoner (from any objective, even from attrition)
          • attrition
            • for each unit placed, kill one enemy unit (from any objective) – back to reserve
            • score 1VP per enemy killed
        • place surviving winners back into region
        • retreat with surviving losing units
          • into an adjacent, non-battle, region under retreating players control
          • unless non-player Trog, in which case place a Trog Nest token into an adjacent uncrontrolled region
          • this may trigger a trog token, reveal it and place a battle token
          • if there’s nowhere to retreat, they go to Reserve
        • remove battle token
    • Prisoners
      • Score 1VP for each prisoner you have
      • Buy back prisoners for 2VP per prisoner (no limit), back to Reserve
    • Scoring – if enabled
      • The player who enabled scoring gains 1VP per region they control
      • All players scores 1VP per crystal in regions they control
      • If a player passes an event token during scoring, bump it along to be ontop of the next token
  • End of game
    • At the start of the 5th round the Event token is “Enable final scoring” – there is a Final Scoring token for this
    • Scoring can not be enabled by players in the 5th round

During Play

  • During your turn skills can be used before/after your action
    • turn the card 90 degrees to indicate it is exhausted
  • The Trogs are only controlled in a 4 player game
    • Trog tokens still spawn trogs and they’re available for use immediately
    • Trogs can move between regions with tunnels (prebuilt and structure token)
    • Losing a battle results in a normal player retreat, not trog exception
    • Trogs only score half total points (rounded up) for crystals in their control

Score Points From

  • 2VP – winning battles
  • 1VP – killing during battles
  • 1VP per prisoner per round
  • 1VP per controlled region per round if you activate scoring
  • 1VP per crystal in a controlled region per round


  • control regions, activate scoring, get points
  • boost crystal count by triggering battles
  • familiarise yourself with your skills and structures
  • take tactics cards that match territory where you are likely to contest

Dwellings of Eldervale: My Reference


Worker placement with bonus actions on Recall

Go clockwise and on your turn either play a unit or regroup

  • Place a Unit (from your Ready Area, into the realm)
    • Gain 1 treasure token from the top of a stack
    • Placement Rules
      • First placement after Regroup – anywhere unoccupied (dwellings don’t count as occupied)
        • Warrior – tile can be occupied
      • Subsequent placement – adjacent and not occupied by yourself
        • Dragon – up to 2 tiles away
        • Wizard – anywhere unoccupied
    • Tile type has an effect
      • Mage Tower – spend 2 resources, get 3 magic cards, discard 1
      • Summoning Portal – spend cost, move unit to Ready Area
      • Mill – spend cost, convert a worker into a dwelling
        • Choose a worker in a realm, Pay cost on the tile, place roof on worker
        • Score 2VP per adjacent ruin (mill, dungeon, etc), Score 2VP per adjacent dwelling
        • Progress up Elemental Track as pictured on tile
      • Dungeon – expand map, get 2 adventure cards
        • Take top tile from tile stock, place it, populate treasure/monster
        • Take an adventure card from the market and progress up Elemental Track
        • Optionally take another adventure card (and progress up track), or discard one from the market
        • Repopulate adventure card market
      • Fortress – spend 2 resources, get 2 gold (Gold is a wild resource)
      • Oracle – pay cost to gain 1 adventure card or take 1 magic card
      • Lair – spawns a monster
  • Regroup
    • Retrieve units from tiles, onto cards to take actions, or into Ready Area
      • e.g. on starter card there are actions for Summon, Gather, and Dwell
    • Retrieve units from underworld into Ready Area (no card actions allowed)
    • Retrieve units from cards into Ready Area
    • If you have any, return Merceneries to supply

Game ends on 6th dwelling or realm tile stock depleted

During Play

  • Battles
    • Triggered by placing a unit in an occupied tile, tile action resolved first
    • Adjacent units may join (even those uninvolved initially)
    • Battle dice: 1 per unit/dwelling/adjacent dwelling, 2 for warrior, 3 for dragon
    • Spend swords for additional dice
    • Roll dice. Single highest dice wins (ties go to next highest dice etc). Everyone loses tie.
      • Winner goes up Glory track for a bonus (if monster beaten, can progress up Elemental track instead)
      • Loser units go to underworld, Gain 1 sword per unit
  • Adventure Cards, some special types:
    • Doorways – these give bonus if you’re highest on their corresponding Elemental track
    • Vaults – bonuses at end of game
    • Auras – attach to existing cards (as a free action), for a modifier
  • Monsters
    • Going adjacent to a monster causes them to Rush in
    • They have different abilities
    • Monsters don’t go to the underworld, simply set them aside when destroyed
    • You can dominate a monster, they become yours to control until destroyed
      • chain symbol indicates abilities that apply while being dominated
    • Some effects send monster back to lair, units go to underworld
  • Mercenaries
    • Pay to hire until Regroup as a free action (or with an orb to keep)
    • Minotaur – has monster Rush ability
    • Shapeshifter – use another units ability
  • Magic Cards
    • Obtained from Mage Tower
    • Hand limit of 7
    • Can be spent as resources
    • Spells – various effects, read the card, some have a cost
    • Quests – gain points during the game for completing goals
    • Prophecies – end of game points for completing goals
  • Free Actions
    • Treasure token – discard for pictured resource
    • Treasure token – place in a slot
    • Play a magic card
    • Hire a Mercenary
    • Spend an Orb
      • Choose a reward from Orb reward market
      • Slot Orb into Tableau
      • Slot Orb into Adventure card
      • Slot Orb to permenantly hire Mercenary
  • Treasure chest symbol (looks a bit like a pie) means any resource
  • Resource limit of 5 per type

Score Points From

  • During Game
    • Complete Quests (from magic cards, from Mage Tower)
    • Glory Track rewards
    • Orb bonuses
    • Tableau actions
    • Monster effects
  • End of Game
    • Unspent Orbs = 1VP
    • Complete Prophecies(from magic cards, from Mage Tower)
    • Elemental Track (1VP per rank), progressed up via:
      • adventure cards, from Dungeon exploring
      • creating dwelling, from Mill tile or Dwell action
    • Dwellings = 1VP per rank on corresponding Elemental track
    • Tableau cards = 1VP per rank on corresponding Elemental track
      • limit to scoring 3 cards per constructed dwelling (i.e. 4 dwellings = 12 cards)
    • Vault adventure cards


  • Different factions have different abilities – read the mat and take advantage!
  • Familiarise yourself with the adventure card market throughout the game
  • Elemental track is critical for end game scoring
    • You can only progress up 4 tracks
    • Pick tracks based on tiles you’re dwelling in and adventure cards taken
  • Get magic cards throughout, they’re useful and give end of game scoring
  • First placement:
    • look for tiles to dwell in with many adjacent ruins (2VP each) – don’t rush to dwell if not scoring
  • Early game
    • get units out (target summoning portal) – units get bonus actions on recall
    • if there are worthwhile adventure cards then go to the Dungeon
    • being able to get resources as part of recall is important, look for adventure cards to do this
  • Remember magic cards can be spent as resources

Tapestry: My Reference


  • Go clockwise and on your turn either:
    • do the start of Age actions
    • pay to go up one of the tracks
  • Once you’ve done the start of Age 5 actions then your game is over

During Play

  • Actions affecting territory game in the middle
    • draw a territory tile from the bag to your reserve
    • play a territory tile from your reserve to the map
      • gain points for matching the edges of territory tiles
      • gain the resource pictured on the tile
    • place a tower on an adjacent territory to gain control of it
      • if opponent already there, knock theirs over
      • limit of 2 things per territory
      • roll the 2 dice for either resource or points
  • Actions affecting player city map
    • Place a building in city
      • Uses a building which reveals a Start of Age benefit
      • completing rows/columns gives points during Start of Age
      • completing districts (3×3 areas) gives a resource
    • Be first to reach a circle token on a track for a bonus structure to place in city
    • Complete bonus city objective to get bonus structure to place in city
    • Some tech cards give bonus structure to place in city
  • Actions for tracks
    • Progress up a track, and take benefit
    • Progress up a track, without taking benefit
  • Actions for technology
    • Take a tech card
    • Refresh the tech market and take a card
    • Upgrade a tech and take benefit

Gain Points From

  • Placing a map tile: points for matching the edges
  • Placing a tower on map: points from dice roll
  • Actions on tracks for scoring
    • Points for territory tiles in reserve
    • Points for controlled territories in map
    • Points for progress up a track
    • Points for tech cards owned
    • Points per tapestry card owned
    • Points per row/column in city
    • Points per building, of a specific type, in city
  • Start of Age bonuses
    • Points for tech cards owned
    • Points
    • Points per row/column in city
    • Points for controlled territories in map


  • Generally take resource when given a choice – more actions is more points
  • Get buildings into the city to reveal Start of Age benefits
    • Lots of points come from Start of Age – revealing the benefits is critical
    • 3 out of 4 tracks allow for 2 buildings to be placed within the first tier
      • 4 resources for 2 buildings per track (one building requires bonus payment)
    • Benefits:
      • First revealed building gets an extra resource
      • Second revealed building scores points
      • Third is another extra resource
      • Fourth is a resource and scoring points
      • Fifth is 10 points
  • Purple card from 3rd Arts action gives an extra bonus during Start of Age