Sagrada: My Reference


  • 1 private objective to each player (grey back)
  • 2 windows to each player – player picks 1 of 4 options
  • Allocate Favour tokens as pictured on window chosen
  • Display 3 tool cards
  • Display 3 Public objective cards


  • 10 rounds going clockwise
    • roll dice – 2 x players +1 (e.g. 3 players: 7 dice)
    • Optionally select and place a die each going clockwise, then anticlockwise for an optional second dice
      • first player is first and last
      • last player is last and first
    • Optionally (and for each dice) use 1 tool card
    • 1 remaining dice goes on the round tracker

During the game

  • Dice placement rules
    • First die, against the edge
    • subsequent die must be adjacent (including diagonally)
    • Not violate colour/number restriction
    • Not be orthogonally adjacent to the same colour/number
  • Tools
    • cost favour tokens, 1 if you’re first, otherwise 2
  • Mistakes
    • If a mistake is found remove the die that’s breaking rules

Score Points From

  • Public objective cards
  • Private objective card
  • Favour token (1 point per token remaining)
  • lose 1 point for each open window
  • Tie break order:
    • most points from private objectives
    • most remaining favour tokens
    • reverse player order in final round

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