King Of Tokyo: My Reference


  • Setup
    • Make a market of 3 face up power cards
    • Set aside the green dice (they’re used by some cards)
    • A monster figure and board to each player
      • 10 Health
      • 0 Points
    • If playing with “power up”:
      • draw 2 evolution cards, keep 1, discard 1
  • Clockwise until end of game (20 Points or last player standing)
    • If you are in Tokyo at the start of your turn, gain 2 Points
    • Roll 6 black dice up to 3 times (2 rerolls of all/any dice of your choosing)
    • Resolve Dice
      • Points: 3 of a kind = score the number. Each additional of the number = +1
      • Energy: 1 energy cube each
      • Smash: monsters not where you are lose 1 health each
        • if injuring monster(s) in Tokyo they may now yield (they still lose the health)
        • if a monster lost their last health they’re eliminated. Cards and cubes discarded.
      • Heal
        • if outside Tokyo gain 1 health each to a max of 10
        • If playing with “power up”:
          • 3x health allows you to draw 2 evolution cards, keep 1, discard 1
          • If draw pile is empty then shuffle discard pile
    • Enter Tokyo if it is empty (this is non-optional)
      • Gain 1 Point when entering Tokyo
    • Buy Power Card(s) – restock is immediate
      • Optionally spend 2 Energy to discard and replace the market

Score Points From

  • Rolling points on the dice: 3x number = score the number. Each additional of the number = +1
  • Entering Tokyo: 1
  • Starting your turn in Tokyo: 2
  • Power Cards do crazy things
  • Power Up Cards do crazy things

Barenpark: My Reference


  • Place a tile from your supply
    • No overhangs/overlaps
    • Rotate/Flip freely
    • Not cover the pit (where the statue goes)
    • First tile can go anywhere
    • Orthogonally adjacent to a previous tile
  • Evaluate icons you covered
    • Get corresponding tile for Green/White/Orange
    • Get a park area (from either stack) for the construction crew (to a max of 4 areas)
      • Park area goes orthogonally adjacent to existing area
      • Rotation is not allowed
      • Can’t be lower/closer than the park entrance
  • Place a Bear Statue if all squares in an area are covered
  • Claim an achievement
    • When you meet the criteria claim the topmost achievement tile
    • Only one of each type may be claimed per player
  • Game ends when 1 player has filled 4 areas (or no player can go and all are passing)
    • All other players get one more turn

During Play

  • If you can’t go then you may pass and take a free Green area of your choice.
    • Your turn ends, you may not place the free tile this turn
    • You can’t pass if you can go

Score Points From

  • Buildings/statues in your park
  • Achievements (if included)

Smallworld: My Reference


  • Played over 8/9/10 rounds going clockwise
  • First player moves round tracker marker on each round
  • First Turn
    • Pick a race/power combo (and any coins on it)
      • Pay 1 coin for each skipped over combo, if any
      • Take race tokens for the sum of both counts
      • Replenish market by sliding down and drawing from top
    • Conquer
      • You need tokens equal to 2 + the number of tokens in the region
      • First region is on the edge of the map or by a sea
      • Subsequent regions must border existing regions
      • On final conquest add pips from reinforcement die to conquering value
    • Redeploy
      • Shift tokens freely around your regions, leaving at least one in each region
    • Score
      • 1 point for each region
      • Any Race/Power bonuses
  • Subsequent turns, either Expand or Decline
    • Expand
      • pick up all your tokens, leaving 1 in each region you wish to maintain a presence in
      • Conquer, as above
      • Redeploy, as above
      • Score, as above
    • Decline
      • If you already have a race in decline, remove their tokens and discard their banner
      • Flip your race/power banners
      • Flip your race tokens and remove all but 1 per region
      • Score, as above
      • Next turn, play the same as first turn

During Play

  • If a players region is conquered
    • they take their race tokens back in hand
    • discard one token
    • at the end of the current players turn
      • if they still have controlled region(s) redeploy in-hand tokens
      • if they don’t then their next turn is treated the same as a First turn
  • You can conquer your own in-decline tokens

Score Points From

  • Most coins at the end wins.
  • Ties are settled by most race tokens on the map (including those in decline)

King Domino: My Reference


  • Make a draw pile of tiles
    • 2 player = 24 tiles
    • 3 player = 36 tiles
    • 4 player = 48 tiles
  • Each round (6 in total)
    • Setup
      • Draw tiles, 1 for each player (and an extra 2 tiles for a 2 player game)
      • Lay them out in a column, in number order, lowest at top
    • Turn
      • First round
        • Order is decided by drawing from a handful of kings
        • Place your king on an unoccupied tile you want
      • Subsequent rounds
        • Order is from top to bottom of last round placing, top to bottom
        • Add the tile your king is on (from the last round) to your territory
          • 5×5 grid
          • touching borders must match on at least one edge
          • starting middle tile is considered wild
          • tiles can not be moved once placed
          • if tiles can’t fit they’re discarded and not scored
        • Place your king on an unoccupied tile you want in the newly drafted column
  • Keep going until there are no tiles left to draw

Score Points From

  • Each contiguous territory scores:
    • number of tiles * number of crowns
    • no crowns = no points
  • Bonus points
    • 10 points if castle is in the center
    • 5 points if you didn’t discard any tiles


  • Don’t get so caught up with matching borders you make a shape that can’t be filled