Scythe: My Reference


  • first turn: place your action token in a column and optionally take top action then optionally take bottom action
  • subsequent turns: move action token and repeat (i.e. can’t do same action twice in a row – unless you’re red star faction with Relentless ability)
  • Top Actions
    • Trade
      • Pay 1 coin to Gain 2 Resources or Gain 2 Popularities
      • If Armory built, Gain 1 Fighting power
    • Bolster
      • Pay 1 coin to Increase Fighting Power / Gain Combat Card
      • If Monument built, Gain 1 Popularity
    • Move/Gain
      • Move Units or Gain Coins
      • If Mine Built, use it
    • Produce
      • Pay cost shown (increases as you place workers) for workers in 2/3 (3/4 with Mill) territories to Produce on the terrain they’re in – 1 resource per worker:
        • Mountain – Metal
        • Farm – Food
        • Tundra – Oil
        • Forest – Wood
        • Village – Worker
      • If Mill built, produce there too
  • Bottom Actions
    • Upgrade – Pay Oil to Upgrade = Move cube from the top to bottom(, Gain Coin(s))
    • Deploy – Pay Iron to Deploy any Mech(, Gain Coin(s)) – mech appears in a hex with a worker
    • Build – Pay wood to Build a Structure(, Gain Coin(s)) – building appears in a hex with a worker, 1 structure limit per hex
    • Enlist – Pay food to Enlist (move one token brom bottom action area to the faction mat)(, Gain Coin(s))
      • Gets 1 time bonus from faction mat, ongoing bonus when neighbours do corresponding actions
  • Placement of 6th star immediately ends the game

During Play

  • Place stars for (10 options, 6th placement ends the game):
    • All 6 upgrades
    • All 4 mechs
    • All 4 structures
    • All 4 recruits
    • All 8 workers
    • 1 completed objective
    • Win combat (first time)
    • Win combat (second time)
    • reach 18 popularity
    • reach 16 power
  • Enlisted bonuses
    • Upgrade – gain 1 fighting power and pay attention if players on left/right upgrade
    • Deploy – gain 1 coin and pay attention if players on left/right deploy
    • Build – gain 1 popularity and pay attention if players on left/right build
    • Enlist – gain 1 combat card and attention if players on left/right enlist
  • Deployed mech bonuses (apply to mechs and character)
    • All: Riverwalk – travel across rivers to certain terrains
    • All: Speed – +1hex per movement
    • Underpass – move between controlled mountain and any tunnel
    • Disarm – before combat on a territory with a tunnel, opponent gets -2
    • Township – move between controlled villages or the factory
    • Peoples army – play an extra combat card if a worker is present
    • Seaworthy – move to/from lakes. Retreat into adjacent lakes
    • Artillery – before compat, pay 1 power for opponent to lose 2 power
    • Wayfare – move to any non-opponent home base
    • Scout – Before combat steal 1 combat card from opponent
    • Submerge – enter and move between lakes
    • Camaraderie – don’t lose popularity forcing opponent worker retreat
  • Faction bonuses
    • Dominate – no limit to objectives/combat stars
    • Relentless – can repeat same action as previous turn
    • Swim – workers may cross rivers
    • coercion – spend a combat card as a resource (once per turn)
    • Meander – pick up to 2 options per encounter card
  • Movement
    • Standard move action: move 2 different units 1 territory each
    • All units may carry any/all resources with them as they move
    • Mechs can pickup/drop off workers too
    • Movement ends for combat (including workers simply retreating), encounter, factory card
  • Combat
    • Select power value
    • Optionally add 1 card per unit involved
    • Winner gets territory (and resources if any) and places star
    • Winner loses 1 popularity for each worker forced into retreat (i.e. they were attacker)
    • Loser retreats units to home base and gains 1 combat card if they revealed more than 0
  • Encounters
    • Move character into hex with encounter token, take a card, choose a bonus
  • Factory
    • Center hex is worth 3 hex at end game scoring
    • If character ends turn in factory take a factory bonus card
  • Factory bonus card actions
    • Top action (one of):
      • Pay 1 popularity, Gain 1 Enlist or 1 Upgrade
      • Pay 2 coin, Gain 1 Upgrade and 1 Popularity
      • etc
    • Bottom action (all have):
      • Move 1 unit twice within the same move action (move 3 spaces if speed mech ability unlocked)

Gain Points From

  • Coins in hand
  • Structure bonus tile
  • Ranking on popularity track affects coins gained per count of:
    • Stars placed – 3/4/5 coins
    • Territories controlled – 2/3/4 coins
    • Per 2 resources – 1/2/3 coins


  • Start of game
    • familiarise yourself with your factions mech abilities
    • familiarise yourself with your factions bottom action costs/rewards (coins)
    • familiarise yourself with your factions special ability
    • familiarise yourself with the Structure bonus tile
  • Try to get both top and bottom actions as frequently as possible
  • Popularity is important for the multiplier – gain it from
    • Trade (top action)
    • Place monument to reveal gain popularity icon
    • Enlist from the Build action to reveal gain popluarity from neighbour bonus
  • Focus on points: popularity multiplier and winning stars/controlling territories
  • Basic strategy: spread out gaining territories while working towards stars
  • Lots of ways to get stars, choose which ones to ignore and which to focus on
    • Some are quicker than others (e.g. 4 mechs vs 6 upgrades)
  • Upgrade(s) can make it so that the top actions Trade/Produce can pay for their bottom actions all in the same turn
  • Build structures to keep control of a territory
  • Leave mechs defending workers/territory/resources
  • Get first 3 workers out early (target village first turn)
  • Combat cards and power track are only good for combat, no end game bonus
  • The same unit can’t use more than 1 move action per round (Speed mech bonus increases range, factory card gives double move action, double move +speed = 3 hex)
  • Add multiple units into combat to play multiple combat cards
  • Factory card facilitates consecutive movements
  • In combat, when forfeiting, playing 0 points, but 1 combat card will earn you a new combat card and lose no points

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