Cry Havoc: My Reference


  • 5 Rounds, 6 Phases
  • Each round:
    • Events
      • Reveal the next event token(s)
        • If a player passes a token during scoring, bump it along to be ontop of the next token
      • Update initiative
      • Refresh exhaused skills (turn them upgright)
    • Draw Cards
      • Draw 4, discard to 7
    • Actions
      • Following initiative track, each player gets 3 actions, 1 at a time, use action tracker to track
      • Actions Available:
        • Move
          • Discard 1+ cards, add up movement icons into points, spend points to move units
          • Movement stops upon encountering enemy/trog token (more units can move in to join though)
          • Next resolve:
            • Exploration tokens
            • Trog tokens
            • If uncontested, place control token
            • If contested, place battle token. until resolved:
              • no units may enter this region
              • place attacker unit on token to denote this
              • structures can not be built here
              • Unless noted, region may not be affected
              • Defender units may leave, however double enemey count must remain
        • Recruit
          • Discard 1+ cards, add up recruit icons into points, spend points to add units into headquarters
        • Build/Activate structure
          • Discard 1+ cards, add up building icons into points, spend points to add/activate structures
            • You can build and activate in the same action
            • A building can only be activated once per action
            • Can’t build in HQ or a battle region (with a battle token)
            • Can’t have >1 of the same type in a region
            • Unless noted, can’t activate buildings in a battle region
            • If control of region lost, structure remains, but it can’t be activated
        • Draw 2 tactics cards (from deck or any terrain deck), keep 1
        • Enable Scoring
          • Once of your cards has this as an action
    • Battle Resolution
      • For each battle token in order:
        • add a crystal to the region
        • transfer the units to the battle objectives (attacker first)
        • play tactics cards (attacker first, one at a time, pass is final)
          • terrain tactics can only used if the region matches
        • resolve the objectives
          • region control
            • winner gets 2VP and places control token
              • unless non-player Trog, in which case place a Trog Nest token
            • Defender wins draws
          • capture prisoners
            • winner takes 1 prisoner (from any objective, even from attrition)
          • attrition
            • for each unit placed, kill one enemy unit (from any objective) – back to reserve
            • score 1VP per enemy killed
        • place surviving winners back into region
        • retreat with surviving losing units
          • into an adjacent, non-battle, region under retreating players control
          • unless non-player Trog, in which case place a Trog Nest token into an adjacent uncrontrolled region
          • this may trigger a trog token, reveal it and place a battle token
          • if there’s nowhere to retreat, they go to Reserve
        • remove battle token
    • Prisoners
      • Score 1VP for each prisoner you have
      • Buy back prisoners for 2VP per prisoner (no limit), back to Reserve
    • Scoring – if enabled
      • The player who enabled scoring gains 1VP per region they control
      • All players scores 1VP per crystal in regions they control
      • If a player passes an event token during scoring, bump it along to be ontop of the next token
  • End of game
    • At the start of the 5th round the Event token is “Enable final scoring” – there is a Final Scoring token for this
    • Scoring can not be enabled by players in the 5th round

During Play

  • During your turn skills can be used before/after your action
    • turn the card 90 degrees to indicate it is exhausted
  • The Trogs are only controlled in a 4 player game
    • Trog tokens still spawn trogs and they’re available for use immediately
    • Trogs can move between regions with tunnels (prebuilt and structure token)
    • Losing a battle results in a normal player retreat, not trog exception
    • Trogs only score half total points (rounded up) for crystals in their control

Score Points From

  • 2VP – winning battles
  • 1VP – killing during battles
  • 1VP per prisoner per round
  • 1VP per controlled region per round if you activate scoring
  • 1VP per crystal in a controlled region per round


  • control regions, activate scoring, get points
  • boost crystal count by triggering battles
  • familiarise yourself with your skills and structures
  • take tactics cards that match territory where you are likely to contest

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