Everdell: My Reference


  • For 4 seasons, Go clockwise, on your turn do 1 of 3 things:
    • Place a Worker on a Location
      • There are Exclusive and Shared locations (full circle vs open bottom)
      • 4 player spaces may not be used by the same player as the other one
      • Locations types:
        • Basic locations
        • Forest locations (cards)
        • Destination cards in your town (or open ones elsewhere, owner gets 1 point token from supply)
        • Events, first to visit claims it
        • Haven (discard 2 cards for 1 resource)
        • Journey (only in autumn, discard cards for points)
    • Play a Card
      • Play 1 Construction Or Critter into your city
        • From your hand or the Meadow (community hand)
        • Pay the cost, or free if pre-requisite already in your city
          • Mark construction as “occupied” when playing free critter
      • City has 15 space (5 x 3)
      • Unique cards = 1 copy per city (common cards can have multiple per city)
      • Card types
        • Tan Traveller – activates once when played
        • Green production – activates once when played and during Prepare for Season
        • Red Destination – activates when worker placed on it
        • Blue Governance – Grants bonuses
        • Purple Prosperity – Worth points and bonus points at end of game
    • Prepare for season (once there’s nothing else you want to do)
      • Take your workers back
      • Gain season bonuses as pictured on the tree
        • Spring +1 worker and activate green produciton cards
        • Summer +1 worker and Draw 2 cards from the Meadow
        • Autumn +2 workers and activate green produciton cards

During Play

  • Drawing cards is done from the Deck (unless specifically told to draw from Meadow)
  • Hand limit of 8 (strict – never exceed)
  • If a Meadow card is played replenish it immediately
  • If allowed to draw from the Meadow, draw all cards then replenish
  • If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard pile to form a new deck
  • At the end of the game, players who have passed can’t be given cards/resources

Score Points From

  • At end of game total points:
    • Base value of each card
    • Point tokens
    • Purple Prosperity bonuses
    • Journey Points (location on board, discard to place)
    • Events claimed
  • Ties: won by player with most events
  • Still Tied: won by player with most leftover resources


  • To note at the beginning:
    • Forest location tiles – which are good value?
    • Events on offer – what do they require? what is their reward?
    • What’s in the Meadow
  • Dungeon is great mid to end game for getting low value critters out of the city and reducing costs of new cards
  • Husband and Wife only take up 1 space in the city

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