King Domino: My Reference


  • Make a draw pile of tiles
    • 2 player = 24 tiles
    • 3 player = 36 tiles
    • 4 player = 48 tiles
  • Each round (6 in total)
    • Setup
      • Draw tiles, 1 for each player (and an extra 2 tiles for a 2 player game)
      • Lay them out in a column, in number order, lowest at top
    • Turn
      • First round
        • Order is decided by drawing from a handful of kings
        • Place your king on an unoccupied tile you want
      • Subsequent rounds
        • Order is from top to bottom of last round placing, top to bottom
        • Add the tile your king is on (from the last round) to your territory
          • 5×5 grid
          • touching borders must match on at least one edge
          • starting middle tile is considered wild
          • tiles can not be moved once placed
          • if tiles can’t fit they’re discarded and not scored
        • Place your king on an unoccupied tile you want in the newly drafted column
  • Keep going until there are no tiles left to draw

Score Points From

  • Each contiguous territory scores:
    • number of tiles * number of crowns
    • no crowns = no points
  • Bonus points
    • 10 points if castle is in the center
    • 5 points if you didn’t discard any tiles


  • Don’t get so caught up with matching borders you make a shape that can’t be filled

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